Friday, July 1, 2011

Body of Wine

Let's imagine that you take a sip of water and feel it... Then, you swallow it and take a sip of milk... Than another sip from an intense peach juice... Each of those beverages will leave a different sense of intensity and weight in your mouth. When we describe the body of the first one, water as light/thin body, then the milk would have a medium body and the peach juice (only if it is a really intense one) would have a full body.

There are also differences in intensity and in weight among the wines, as there are differences among water, milk and peach juice. In order to describe those differences, to describe the thickness of the wine compared to other wines or compared to the average, people use adjectives like light bodied, medium bodied or full bodied. You may also use those expressions from now on since you know what they mean now :)

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